Round four: conclave of the People of God

This article appears in the Conclave 2013 feature series. View the full series.

And then there were five.

Three weeks ago, we started with 117 eligible cardinals in the College of Cardinals. Now with three rounds of voting under our belts, we have our top five of the cardinals that you, the readers, think will become the next pope.

Below are the five cardinals who received the most votes in round two. Of those five, choose the man you think will be voted to become the next pope (not the person you would like to see become the next pope).

Voting will be open until 6 p.m. EST Friday or until conclave has selected a new pope. Check back March 18 to see if the readers' picks matches the cardinals'!

Need a refresher? Find biographies for every cardinal who will take part in the conclave here. Many of these men have also been featured in John Allen's "papabile of the day" series, which you can find here.


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