Schneck on Evangelii Gaudium

I wanted to take a moment and highlight a wonderful piece written by Dr. Stephen Schneck, the director of the Institute for Policy Research and Catholic Studies at The Catholic University of America. I'll show my bias and say that he is a former professor of mine and is one of the best educators I have ever met. His reflection on the pope's recently released apostolic exhortation is well worth the read. 

Evangelii Gaudium: Pure Christianity

By Stephen Schneck, IPR Director 

Rush Limbaugh called this week's letter from Pope Francis "pure Marxism." He could not be more wrong.

Midway through Evangelii Gaudium (Joy of the Gospels), the Apostolic Exhortation just released by Pope Francis, is a telling prescription. Resituating the story of Moses and burning bush in the context of Matthew 25, the pontiff writes that we must all learn to "remove our sandals before the sacred ground of the other." The other in all her complicated reality, in her frailty, weakness, and sin, is a uniquely immanent reflection of God. She is imago Dei, the face of God for us. At the heart of the evangelization that Pope Francis believes to be the joyful mission for the church in the modern world is this extraordinary idea. He calls on Christians to understand anew that the face of God for us is found on others. Read More Here. 

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