Washington Post features trio who broke into nuclear weapons facility

I was stunned to open my Washington Post this morning, and find that the front page of the Style section (which is widely read) featured the opening of a multipage story about Catholic peace activists who broke into a nuclear weapons facility in Oak Ridge, Tenn.  It was headlined, "The Prophets of Oak Ridge."

I wondered for a moment whether I was reading The Washington Post or the National Catholic Reporter!

The three were described as a house painter: bearded, calm, quiet; a Catholic nun: gentle, grandmotherly and short of breath; and a drifter: alert, intense, shouldering supplies.

The nun is Sister of the Holy Child Megan Rice, the house painter is Gregory Irwin Boertje-Obed and the drifter is Michael Walli.

Read the entire story and see the incredible artwork that goes with it.

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