You have only to keep still

Do not be afraid, stand firm ... The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to keep still.
               —Exodus 14:13-14

Moses' advice to the Israelites came as they were fleeing Egypt with Pharaoh's army hot on their heels. Imagine how the people must have felt when Moses told them to "keep still," that God would fight for them. Surely, these were not easy words to accept as they ran for their lives and freedom. We know, of course, that God did fight and provided a way for them to escape their life of bondage.

"You have only to keep still." This is no easy thing when we are struggling to be in control and life keeps getting messier and more out of control. What happens if we stop grumbling and attacking our difficult circumstances? What happens when we are "still," when we turn to the One who promises to care for us? Our situation will not change instantly, but we will have greater peace of mind and more love in our hearts. Grumbling, complaining, worry and criticism never changed anything. On the other hand, trust in God, peace of mind and love in the heart have led to profound changes.

Dear God,
the next time I am "running for my life"
please remind me to stop and be still,
to let my heart and mind return
to the place of peace and calm within me.


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