A giant mural of the Sacred Heart of Jesus overlooks several hundred thousand people gathered for Mass with Pope John Paul II in Havana Jan. 25, 1998. Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of Los Angeles, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, will lead the nation in prayer at this time of the coronavirus on Good Friday, April 10, 2020. U.S. Catholics are invited to join him in praying the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus "to seek our Savior's healing and protection" at noon (EDT), 11 a.m. (CDT), 10 a.m. (MDT) and 9 a.m. (PDT). To participate and pray as one nation, go to https://lacatholics.org/sacred-heart or facebook.com/usccb. (CNS/Reuters/Paul Hanna)