Copy Desk Daily, May 26, 2020

Recommended for you today, from the NCR/GSR/EarthBeat copy desk:

A unique Memorial Day weekend has come and gone.

In case you missed it: In a May 21 statement to NCR, Gian Franco Mammì emphasized the Vatican bank's "maximum attention" to Pope Francis' environmental encyclical, Laudato Si', and "respect for the principles set forth" in it. Read: Director general confirms Vatican bank is not invested in fossil fuels

Not to be missed: Catholics across the world have embraced and acted on environmental encyclical Laudato Si'. But the consensus among Catholic ecological leaders is those responses have been not nearly as widespread as Francis sought. Read: Five years ago, Pope Francis asked us to care for Earth. Have we listened?

Catholic sisters have a way of framing change and adapting to it that we find helpful. See if you can pick up better ways to view problems or talk about growth by reading some quotes from: US sisters meet about how to re-imagine future, especially now with COVID-19

For Global Sisters Report's monthly feature about religious life, the panelists were invited to submit a short reflection on COVID-19 and its effect on them, on their congregation, their country, or on the world. The 12 whose words are shared here shared a feeling that we are not alone, but sometimes too separate. Read more.

So many people in Central Florida work in the tourism industry that the stay-at-home orders due to coronavirus created exponential need. St. Rose of Lima Church's food pantry used to help 170 families a week. The new normal is still emerging, but the average over five weeks is an increase of 230%. Read how.

While the culture warriors in the U.S. bishops' conference have been obsessed with sexual ethics, what we need right now are the core principles of Catholic social teaching: solidarity, the common good, human dignity of all. Read NCR's latest editorial.

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