Copy Desk Daily, April 13, 2020

Copy Desk Daily recommends news and opinion articles our copy editors have worked on for National Catholic Reporter, Global Sisters Report and EarthBeat.

Happy Easter!

Here are some things you may have missed from the end of Holy Week:

Women religious congregations share how they are reacting to the crisis — praying, bringing people together online, making masks for health care workers, carrying on limited ministries. "Religious life has prepared me for this," says one sister. Read more.

Related: Sisters adapt to COVID-19 pandemic amid nationwide lockdown in India

Commentary from Mary E. Hunt, who sees a changed church: It has taken a global pandemic to signal that the Roman Catholic Church hasn't a prayer of returning to many of its outmoded practices. Read more.

Your thoughts on coverage of the coronavirus: What readers think

It's more than "I'll just stop buying water in plastic bottles" — take a look at what some high schools are doing to inspire and equip their students to care for the environment through their lifestyle, career and activism choices, using Laudato Si' as a guide. Read more about what climate change demands of Catholic education.

New today: Christians threatened as Islamists push for control of Africa's Sahel, where the coronavirus threat is but one more complication

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