Copy Desk Daily, April 28, 2020

Recommended for you today, from the NCR/GSR/EarthBeat copy desk:

The artwork and beautiful food in this column by Sr. Michael Sujin Yoo, a member of the Olivetan Benedictine Sisters of Busan, South Korea, was a welcome ray of sunshine amid ... the pandemic. Read about how her community is doing what it can for the front-line responders to the COVID-19 crisis in the second place to be affected: From South Korea amid pandemic: prayer, of course, but also snacks

Latin America is a land of great inequality. In São Paulo, Brazil, there are an estimated 25,000 people who are homeless. The pandemic is only making things worse for people who work in informal economies or who have been relying on centers that are now closed to practice social distancing. Catholics, of course, are stepping up. Our reporter in Brazil talked to a number of religious in the region to see what they were doing. Read more.

Related: Mexican bishops announce 'families without hunger' plan during pandemic

Sr. Rose Nelima, headmistress of Mbale School for the Deaf, has used her career to promote the education of those who are deaf in Uganda, in addition to reshaping the negative social perception of them. Read more.

In 2014, the Rev. Anna Woofenden moved to Los Angeles to try a bold experiment: to reenvision church as an outdoor community centered on a garden. As a church, the community would grow food, prepare it and eat it together, and share it with the neighborhood.

And, in case you missed it (the article Monday and/or the story about Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York on the 600-person phone call with President Donald Trump on Saturday), columnist Michael Sean Winters has a strong reaction: That the hierarchy of the Catholic Church is being roped into the president's reelection efforts is now obvious. Read more.

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