Copy Desk Daily, Jan. 30, 2020

Our team of copy editors reads and posts most of what you see on the websites for National Catholic Reporter, Global Sisters Report and EarthBeat. The Copy Desk Daily highlights recommended news and opinion articles that have crossed our desks on their way to you.

A Mexican peace scholar says finding disappeared victims of Mexico's drug war is 'a moral issue': "Disappearing a person is a very sophisticated way of building terror in the social fabric,” Pietro Ameglio Patella told audiences during a visit to Massachusetts. When a loved one disappears, “you are always looking in the street, in the park. You enter into a way of not living.” Ameglio describes nonviolent movements in Mexico that are looking to build peace in a country "riddled by acts of war."

Archbishop Charles Chaput is retiring, Philadelphia gets Bishop Nelson Perez, and Pope Francis remakes the American hierarchy, one bishop at a time. Fr. Tom Reese analyzes the direction such appointments are taking the church.

Writing for GSR, Saji Thomas has been following the case against Bishop Franco Mulakkal, accused of raping a nun. In the latest developments, the Indian bishop's lawyer petitions court to dismiss rape charges.

Though she's 15,000 miles from home, Notes from the Field blogger Honorine Uwimana has found faces of friendship, unswerving love in her service with the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange, California.

Richard Holbrooke biography is fraught, but enlightening. George Packer’s book Our Man about the late diplomat reads like a novel, with a touch of horror and sci-fi, William O'Rourke says in his review.

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