Copy Desk Daily, June 5, 2020

Our team of copy editors reads and posts most of what you see on the websites for National Catholic Reporter, Global Sisters Report and EarthBeat. The Copy Desk Daily highlights recommended news and opinion articles that have crossed our desks on their way to you.

EarthBeat continues its fifth-anniversary perspectives on Pope Francis' environmental encyclical. Today's comes from Patricia Gualinga, a defender of indigenous rights and a leader of the Kichwa indigenous community of Sarayaku, Ecuador: Laudato Si' validates centuries of indigenous knowledge to defend nature. Her commentary is also available in Spanish: Laudato Si ratifica siglos de sabiduría indígena en defensa de la naturaleza.

Riots and looting may get the national attention, but many in the Twin Cities see a community coming together to address injustice and meet pressing needs. "We're building something good here. It looks messy right now, but we're building something good. Nobody has any doubt about that," says one parishioner among the Catholics joining solidarity efforts in Minnesota.

Global Sisters Report is collecting reactions from religious congregations and sister-led organizations to the killing of George Floyd and the subsequent protests engulfing the country. US sisters acknowledge systemic racism, join call for fundamental police reform. Leading the voices is a powerful statement from the National Black Sisters' Conference on "21st Century Lynchings in America."

At the predominantly black St. Augustine Parish in Washington, the local Knights of Columbus council denounces Trump visit to DC shrine. St. Augustine's pastor echoed the criticism: "As a black Catholic priest for almost 30 years, there is no better way to communicate to me that I don't matter — and the calls and consent of the people, in light of what's going on, don't matter."

In this week's Horizons column, Sr. Susan Francois writes about lament and love — becoming anti-racist: "What matters is that we lament, mourn and grieve this history-in-the-making and respond and organize in love."

What draws a millennial to traditionalism and the Latin Mass? Contributor Stephen Adubato shares his confessions of a 'Weird Catholic.'

New accuser comes forward in DiMarzio case: A second man has said he was sexually abused by Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio of Brooklyn, New York, when DiMarzio was a priest in Jersey City, New Jersey. DiMarzio says there is "absolutely no truth" to any of the allegations.

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