Copy Desk Daily, May 1, 2020

Recommended for you today, from the NCR/GSR/EarthBeat copy desk:

Preparation for the Australian plenary council got underway in 2018 with a 10-month "listening and dialogue" process that organizers say involved meetings among 222,000 Australian Catholics, which then resulted in some 17,500 submissions about how people view the current reality of the church. Many church leaders have portrayed the council endeavor as something of an opportunity of last resort — a final chance to convince Catholics and wider society that the church has reformed in how it handles sexual abuse cases and can still be culturally relevant in this era. But will the Cardinal George Pell decision dominate or overly affect the discussion? Read more of Vatican correspondent Joshua J. McElwee's extensive dive into something that hasn't happened in Australia since 1937.

Global efforts to minimize the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic present an historic opportunity to scale up the technologies needed to speed a transition to cleaner energy, the head of the world's energy watchdog says. Read more on EarthBeat.

From you:

TGIF, Friday is Horizons on GSR, columns by younger women religious and some of our favorites, week after week. From Sr. Virginia Herbers: "I know exactly what I want, and I try my best to communicate that to God. When God "hands me back" something else, I feel like cwying like my 3-year-old niece and saying, 'Why do you not unduhstand me?!' " Read more.

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