Copy Desk Daily, May 21, 2020

Recommended for you today, from the NCR/GSR/EarthBeat copy desk:

About the media: Benedictine Sr. Joan Chittister's latest column looks at what happens when you break down anything into its smallest parts, like political news. "You break off a piece of the civic culture with it. Until eventually, you don't have a culture." Read: Is it news or propaganda, and how do we know?

U.S. Catholic magazine recently removed two essays critical of Cardinal Timothy Dolan and his fawning attention to President Trump. That editorial decision has wider implications. Read NCR's latest Connections column, by Executive Editor Heidi Schlumpf: Editorial independence in Catholic media is critical

Today is the Feast of the Ascension. Following the format of the virtual Triduum liturgy series NCR hosted last month, today we begin a virtual novena for Pentecost — songs and prayer by Dan Schutte. "Let us join those first disciples in these nine days of prayer, a way for us to be together even while we are separated by space." You don't need any special tools or software to participate. Start here or save/share this link to the whole novena.

Global Sisters Report has a column about today's feast, too. Presentation Sr. Frances Hayes writes: "Isn't the isolation and aloneness of Easter Saturday where we are now? Jesus had told his apostles what would happen." Read: And a little child shall lead me

The Murphy Center for Ignatian Spirituality at Fairfield University in Connecticut is offering virtual Ignatian retreats. This report talks to the creators of the online programs and some people who have participated in the first eight-week retreat. Find out how you can join them on Tuesdays from wherever you are. Read: Virtual Ignatian retreats show 'God transcends physical place and time'

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