Global Sisters Report: Giving thanks for 2015

In our fast-paced world, at times filled with sound bites of superficiality, it's a blessing to be reminded of what is important, to be called to center our lives on the Gospel and to touch God in the depth and breadth of it all. To help us realize all is interconnected.

That's the gift our GSR columnists offer us. One of the delights of my role here at GSR is to work with the sisters and other writers to help make their reflections, insights and wisdom available to you. We are grateful to all of the columnists for what they've shared, whether they've written one time or on a regular basis. And, you can add your gratitude by clicking the "Say thanks" button at the end of their columns and by sharing them with others.

Our year began and ended with images of displaced people. Their plight and their resilience gripped us. Dominican sisters here in the U.S. reminded us that we all have family in Iraq as they made their way there in early January to visit their Dominican sisters and to witness the courage of all those forced to flee their homes. (Website tip: click on the Iraq tab at the top of the column to read other pieces about Iraq.) With fear-filled calls at year's end to shut out refugees from Syria, Sister of Charity Tracy Kemme, one of our regular Horizons columnists, wrote poignantly about Christ among us in her column, The right thing: the moral response to refugees is clear.

One of the advantages of moving into our second year of GSR's presence online was the opportunity to coordinate some of the columns with the stories written by journalists.

To accompany Elizabeth Eisenstadt Evans' series about contemplative communities, we learned that Trappistine nuns find a home in Lutheran Norway through the eyes of Sr. Sheryl Frances Chen and the early history of the establishment of contemplative communities in the U.S. from professor and author Margaret M. McGuinness.

Read the full story at Global Sisters Report.

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