Craig Breimhorst

Pastor Craig has been a good and trusted friend since I first met him in 1991. He was an ELCA pastor and I am a Pastoral Minister in a Catholic parish. We met when we were members of our local ministerial association. Craig was warm, compassionate, inclusive and joyous. He was a loving husband, father and grandfather. Craig walked the walk and talked the talk. His example inspired and will continue to inspire me to be the best Christian I can be. One memory I will forever cherish is that I called him Martin (after Luther) and he called me Katie (Luther's wife).He also invited me to preach at his church one year on Reformation Sunday - such an honor and blessing. Craig fell into the loving arms of the God he so faithfully and joyously served on April 16, 2020. His memory will be a blessing.
Submitted by Christine Sorensen, St. Paul, MN